Cambs & Hunts AGM May 13th 2019
Post date: May 30, 2019 10:43:44 AM
The County AGM was hosted by Balsham B.C. on Monday May 13th.
It was attended by 8 County Officers and 27 members, and followed by an enjoyable evening of bridge.
David Man was presented with the EBU Dimmie Flemming award by Adam Bowden the County Chairman, in recognition of the many years of service he has given to this County as Hon. Treasurer and Organiser of events.
Apart from presentation of the County Trophies, several members had been successful in National events.
Paul Barden brought the Tollemache trophy for display
which his team of eight, representing Cambs. and Hunts. had won in February.
Adam Bowden presented Jenny Jacobsberg, captain of Cambridge B.C.2,
with the County League trophy.
Victor Milman received the County Knockout Team trophy
on behalf of his captain Carina Negreanu.
Some trophies had been presented at their events.
All winners are listed in the AGM minutes. (Document section)
Decisions made at this meeting were: to raise the County portion of UMS (originally called P2P) from 8 to 10p from April 2020; to charge those who played in County Finals of events £5.00 p.p.; and to change the Constitution to allow Officers, who were not club delegates, to vote at County Management meetings.