Managing Committee
Vice Presidents
David Harrison
Chris Larlham
Chris Jagger
Cambs & Hunts CBA is the county-level organisation representing bridge players and clubs across Cambs and Hunts. The county is run by the Managing Committee, which consists of reps from each of the affiliated clubs, and ultimately has most decision-making power in the county (including election of county officers, selection committee and so forth).
To feed in your views you are welcome to contact your club rep, or to ask to be invited to a county meeting – usually people are welcome (particularly if your club rep is not an active attender).
The managing committee appoints people within the committee and outside the committee to county posts, and is always looking for volunteers and fresh input.
Want to volunteer?
Please do! The county and clubs are always looking for volunteers to help with the administration of hosting events, tournament directing, teaching bridge and publicity.
Contact Us
If you think you could help, or have something to say, please email the County Secretary at in the first instance.
Changing things in the county/expressing views
The county management committee are always very keen to hear your views, and include a range of people, so please do contact them to express views or suggest changes in the county.
Most matters are decided in the county by the management committee.
Novel Bridge Events
Clubs may apply to the county for 50% of costs, up to a maximum of £50, for novel bridge events that are genuinely aimed at the wider bridge community than their own clubs. Applications should be made to the committee and will be considered on a case by case basis.
EBU rules
Unless otherwise specified, standard EBU rules apply to county competitions and procedures. Each event also has its own set of rules to supplement this.
Team selection
See the individual competitions (Tollemache and ECL) for details of team selection.
County Coaching Officer - Chris Jagger
Role: To improve the standard of bridge in the county, including:
advice on which local and national competitions to enter
advice/coaching on how to improve
co-ordinating a panel of county coaches
possible finding of partners
arranging of post mortems / discussion of hands, seminars and so on.
Anyone wishing for some advice of any sort should feel free to ask. Please feed in views as to what the county should do to help aspiring bridge players.
A list of bridge teachers can be found on the Play Bridge page.
Privacy Notice
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), CHCBA respects its members and their personal data. For details of the data that we collect & use, see our Privacy Notice.
Constitution and Accounts
Our accounts, constitution and other documents are available to view online on our documents page.
Archived Website
Our old website has been archived and is available here.